I am very GRATEFUL for my children. I love them very much! I have been a Mom for over 16 years and I feel very lucky and blessed. They bring me so much Joy and Happiness and heartache too! I love them.
My Husband~ Frank is very loving to me and kind. Frank has been Super Dad and really goes the extra mile for his kids. He takes them to cool places and is thoughtful. I have a great post of an example. I will post it soon. The pictures are on his phone and he is sleeping! I always tell Frank he is so lucky to have such a beautiful Wife but actually I know I am the lucky one! I love you Frank and I am thankful for all the time you give to me and the kids and the dog.
After Disneyland and California... Frank and I went to New Orleans. It kinda sucks to unpack and repack because it was like this~ Home Monday night and catching flight next evening. I only complain because I am packing again tonight. We really liked Court Of Two Sisters! They have a great brunch. Emeril's is still my favorite. We went to Emeril's and Nola's. The food is always Yum ,Yum ,Yum In New Orleans.
I wanted to go to the New Orleans Zoo! So, Frank took me! It did rain something AWFUL but we did enjoy the animals. It was fun and I am glad we went.
He liked hooving dirt on his back! It cool them down. I loved the Monkeys and I have the better pics. on Frank's phone of New Orleans. My camera did break and I am holding out for black friday. This is why I haven't blogged much. I am using the kid's camera. And I have facebook now too! It's fast and easy.
Otto and Lisa met us in New Orleans. Frank and Otto have been friends since they were kids. We enjoyed the time we got to spend with them. It was nice!
The love just goes on and on! I do love this pie alot! It melt's me! Ask Frank:) Again, Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night! I love my family and my friends and I am so Thankful on this day for all I have. Love April