About Me

Monday, June 23, 2008

Whoopie Pies

Andrew, Alaina and I were watching a food network show and a lady in Maine makes these. She has made over a million bucks from selling them. So, I said let's make them and we did tonight!

They are made from scratch.

We liked them. Always fun to try new stuff!

We made Beignet's last week. I will post New Orleans Pics sometime soon. Warning: It will be food Pics! Hope all of you are well and wonderful! Have a Wonderful week! April

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Sad OOgly story!

Our trip went well until....... Our return flight!

Here is my OOgly(ugly) story! Why the tears? We were ready to board our flight when I wrote Frank a note. It said, Frank, Did you clean out the safe? He looked at me and said, No! I said, your kidding right. He said, Nope! We were far from the Hotel and Frank ended up having to fly out the next day. We had returned the car and checked in our bags and ready to bored the plane. We were lined up ready to go. We had to do what we had to do but it sucked!

Yes, I realize this is Oogly but I am just keeping it real! We had put our valueables in the Hotel room safe and we just forgot to clean it out! It all happened so fast. He went one way and I went the other except I was crying and crying. It gets even better!

I am flying and crying and have the row to myself. I wanted to be with him but knew I needed to be home. I spiritually grew on that flight. Really, God know's I did:)
I really believe prayers are answered in many ways. Sometimes in ways that have nothing to do with what we actually prayed for. It get's worse....I Get home and end up at Quick Care with Alaina until 2:30 A.M. She had to go because she had a hard long bump inside and swelling above and below her Jaw line. It was like a weird thing you don't see. I have never seen. It just came on w/ a fever. She was in pain, scared and tired.

On a HAPPY NOTE: When I came home from church Frank was home! My "News" I have a new calling at church...Primary Secretary. Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you very much. Happy Father's Day Frank, We are so lucky to have you and Happy Father's Day to my brother in laws! Happy Father's Day... Hope we all go the xtra mile today for those Daddy's in our lives. More Pics from trip this week! I love you all very much. Cupcake

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A little bit of this and that!

I took the 30 week challenge to Make Space For God's Love in your Life. I started out feeling like I was a loser! Over the week I realized it is the small and simple things. It is the way I think and act and do. I have felt his LOVE and it feels pretty good. I will keep on doing this. Read the book.

Aubreana is now an 8th grader! She is a little bummed because she will be attending private school next year! We love her and want the best for her! Andrew and Alaina will also be going to private school. Andrew is so excited! Aubreana is a busy girl! We will post more of her later:)

I took time to let Alaina make home made bread. She loved her new apron and had fun.

Alaina, Good Job Q-T pie!

A little one on one with Andrew. After church he made Strawberry smoothies.

He enjoyed his new apron and he had fun too! Kids love one on one and to be in the spotlight!

Andrew, You are the man!

This week Frank did Scouts at our home. The Bear leader moved. I enjoyed watching. :)

They played a Baseball card throw game. Who can get it closest to the wall wins all the cards.

They had to even measure a few times! Boys and their games huh!

Frank's Dad came for 15 days. He is from Ohio and he stayed with Frank's brother. We had alot of fun visiting him. This was the first time the kids met him. Really we enjoyed the time together.

This is my brother in law Carl and sister in law Lisa.

Here is Angus and Makenzie. Carl and Lisa's little ones! Frank and I will be out of town this week but I have some News to share with you next Sunday! Check my post Next Sunday! I hope you all are doing well! With Love April

