Our trip went well until....... Our return flight!
Here is my OOgly(ugly) story! Why the tears? We were ready to board our flight when I wrote Frank a note. It said, Frank, Did you clean out the safe? He looked at me and said, No! I said, your kidding right. He said, Nope! We were far from the Hotel and Frank ended up having to fly out the next day. We had returned the car and checked in our bags and ready to bored the plane. We were lined up ready to go. We had to do what we had to do but it sucked!
Yes, I realize this is Oogly but I am just keeping it real! We had put our valueables in the Hotel room safe and we just forgot to clean it out! It all happened so fast. He went one way and I went the other except I was crying and crying. It gets even better!
I am flying and crying and have the row to myself. I wanted to be with him but knew I needed to be home. I spiritually grew on that flight. Really, God know's I did:)
I really believe prayers are answered in many ways. Sometimes in ways that have nothing to do with what we actually prayed for. It get's worse....I Get home and end up at Quick Care with Alaina until 2:30 A.M. She had to go because she had a hard long bump inside and swelling above and below her Jaw line. It was like a weird thing you don't see. I have never seen. It just came on w/ a fever. She was in pain, scared and tired.
On a HAPPY NOTE: When I came home from church Frank was home! My "News" I have a new calling at church...Primary Secretary. Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you very much. Happy Father's Day Frank, We are so lucky to have you and Happy Father's Day to my brother in laws! Happy Father's Day... Hope we all go the xtra mile today for those Daddy's in our lives. More Pics from trip this week! I love you all very much. Cupcake
I'm so sorry to hear that. One of those crazy moments in life. You may have not been at your best in that picture, but you look great in your header picture. I love that red dress. It looks fabulous on you! Also congrats on your new calling. Having a good secretary is invaluable! I hope Alaina is feeling better.
I am so sad you had a miserable end to your trip, but glad it all turned out ok in the end. John and I are cracking up that you took pictures of yourself crying on the plane. You are so funny! Get some sleep and tell Lulu we love her and hope she gets better soon.
What a horrible ending to your vacation! I am so sorry! You look so sad, but cute though. Congrats on your callin...you'll be great!
Awww, you look SO SAD, but still cute! What did Alaina have?? See you got through it...I knew you would! Congrats on the calling! No food pics from New Orleans? Or are they still to come? Love you!
PS:Aubrey's hair cut is cute!
Oh the drama of it all!! Wow I am sorry the last bit of your trip was so miserable :(
Congrats on the calling though! :)
What a terrible way to end your fun! You are one of those cute criers and I am so not. My mascara would be all down my face. On a happier note...I am so excited to work with you! Hopefully you can teach me some things about getting organized.
Your week was like mine. I am so sorry. You are going to be great at your new calling. That's a good thing to focus on.
I am so sorry:( Did you ever get your belongings out of the safe? What was on Alaina? I hope that it is ok. Also congrats on your calling. You will love it. Primary is the best place to be.
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