About Me

Friday, March 26, 2010


I find this to be very interesting.
I was reading in my book a few weeks ago about
how public school came to be.
From my book: Historically the primary goal of public schools,
the reason they were instituted, was to educate the poor so they could get a job
and take their place in society.
The middle class already had private schools and apprenticeships, and the wealthy
were tutored at home.
Very interesting to me. I love learning and re-learning.
It is all so awe-ha and gives me the desire to do better when I know better!

1 comment:

jenorme said...

I thought they created school so our kids could be "socialized". ;) Just kidding. Here is something I read the other day in the library,"Schools in the United States traditionally had three purposes: to help children be good people, be good citizens, and find their particular talents to develop fully."

