About Me

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I am almost packed:)

Miss Alaina is one BUSY girl!!!
Here today gone tomorrow. She goes from one place to the next.
She is much LOVED. She was gone all day Friday then home for 30 minutes then
gone until really late. Then the next day leaves in the afternoon, gone until Sunday at 11:30 A.M. And the best part is that she is off doing FUN things! Thanks to all her friends:) We LOVE you!
I had to post this, I just wanted a picture with my son.
Boys! Boys! Boys! Frank and I have a picture very much like this one.
My Lovely Lady has contacts now. Yep, She LOVES them too!
She will be 18 in less than 3 years. I am really focusing on her future with her.
It's a good thing and she is a bright one. I Love her:)
Today(Sunday) Alaina just got all into Origami.
Braxton, a boy in her Church class showed them some stuff he knew.
Well, it just sparked her brain and she spent 5 hours online watching and following the video. All my school related stuff is now on my new blog. You can click on it at the top of this blog. Teachingitmyway.
Since my sister moved I haven't had any treatments.
Well, I braved up and went. One day soon I will not have hair where I have to shave. Really, it was less painful than in the past and I did ask for an extra stick of numbing cream:)

Almost packed, leaving Tuesday at 4:45 A.M.
Where: I DON'T KNOW????
Why: Because my husband is surprising me! 14 days! May 4th- May 18th.
Now that I have all my work files ready for another agent and informed all the other agents, Escrow officers, Loan girl, broker, and clients with what to do and who to call, I feel much better! Phew but being a Realtor your work is NEVER done. Period! Anyways, Grandma will be here and Frank and I will be somewhere FAR AWAY! I LOVE my children and will miss them! I will post pictures when I return.
Have a happy week:)


Whitney Jo said...

HOW EXCITING! I can't wait to hear where you go!!!

Doralee said...

Any clues? Did he tell you to pack warm clothes or beach wear? Or both to confuse you? Sounds like so much fun!

Mike&JenFamily said...

That is sooo exciting! What a great hubby you have. I too cant wait to hear where you are going. You had better post it on FB. Have a happy and safe trip!!
BTW-Aubrey is looking so grown-up and beautiful! You are such a great "mama role model"! :)

