About Me

Thursday, April 7, 2011


It seems and is true that so many people I know are moving!
Kinda crazy but several people I know are moving. (More than 10)
Here is to happy packing:) Call me if you need any help because it is always easier for me to help others! Yes, we are moving too! It will be fine once it's all said and done. I hope anyways.:)! It's kinda like running for me. When I go running, I can't think about the fact that I am running. Simply because I hate running but love how I feel after. 16 years is a long time to be in one state. So, from the O.C to Vegas and now to a small town. O-My! In the mean time I will keep moving forward and keep my faith alive.:)! It might seem crazy but Frank and I both feel we are making the right choice and although this was nowhere in our plans, we are trying to get everything done. I have cried and been depressed many times in my life and when I head down that road I am aware and stop it now. Well, I have plans and back up plans. Anyways, I almost went down that road this week and I am thankful my Heavenly Father snapped me right out of it! Yeah:)! It is so easy to slip and I am so blessed to have so many amazing examples in my life. When I came here from California where I was born and raised, I wanted a change. Mainly, I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. Because my son Anthony had passed away and the kindness and sweet people just felt bad for me! I was young too. Anyways, I moved here when Aubrey was just 5 1/2 months old. God gave me her because she gave me a reason to live.:)! And that is why he took my son when he did. I am forever thankful he gave me her and the timing too. Yes, heart broken and much sadness at the time. Time passes fast and sometimes I am better off just not thinking about stuff. Like moving. 


Doralee said...

Where are you moving to? It'll be sad to have you go. Also, Aubrey is one of my favorite girls of all time. She is a great hugger!

jenorme said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, April. I agree, you have to look forward and trust in your decision. Your faith has always been a great example to me. I remember reading your post about your sweet Anthony and wept most of the day thinking how could the Lord do that to her when she just had a baby!! I am humbled by your understanding of the Lord's timing and focusing on His blessings that were given to you. You will do well no matter where you are. Love you and your family!

