I thought Aubreana would love a massage. Oh, she did! She was like Oh, my back feels so good! It was nice for her and I to go together. We went yesterday morning,

Today her Father & I took her to Lunch. We went to the Pink Taco. Look at the smile on her face. I left the camera at home....No food pics today:)

Aubreana likes the one on one from us! Who doesn't????
It is enjoyable to spend alone time with each child. Dates make them feel "SPECIAL" and it is fun. Enjoy what you have and who you have. Make time for those you love. April
I can't believe how big she is getting!! She is a full fledge teenager!! What happened to that little primary girl who used to come to my house for activity days?!? OMGosh...I'm getting old! :(
Glad your one on one time went wonderfully!
That is so nice. I love a good massage! I hate that my kids are growing up so fast, but I do look forward to spa days with Kylie as she gets older. I cannot believe that Aubreana is taller than me now! I can still remember holding her as a chubby little baby - man she had the chubbiest cheeks ever! And now she's a beautiful girl. Ok, I'll stop rambling - love you guys!
She is such a sweetie! I love having one-on-one dates with my kids. No food pictures? :)
She is getting so big! I wish I was there so I could have gone with her to get a massage!
You are so good to your children. A message at her age...think I was at least in my twenties before I ever received a message. Can I be your daughter for a day? (the message day though, not the chore days =)
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