About Me

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Memory Lane

I saw this on my friend Kirsten's blog and I thought it would be fun!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or alot. Anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave me a memory about me, I'll asume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one to you.


Linde said...

I remember the first time I met you was in the nursery. I remember thinking you were so tiny and cute. Then do you remeber that time at the park behind my house? You told Sunee and I all about your wedding dress and all about your wedding. You were so happy! You are just the funniest mom. You are always having fun parties for all the kiddos. You are so sweet!

FrankNApril said...

I remember the park! I thought about that the other day. I would run there and you and Sunee would be there. I miss those days and the big parties! I was very happy! I don't remember much of nursery... cuz I don't want too! Oops! Kenzi was always so good!!! I will post a memory of you when u post this on your blog! Thanks for your memory! April

Kirsten said...

I remember back in the day when I used to be your visiting teacher, when you and Frank were thinking about getting married!

All the talks about Cancun and vacationing...

I remember being so impressed with you because you were such a strong, righteous mother raising those kids in the Gospel by yourself! You go sista!

You always have cute clothes, too!

Autumn said...

This is so hard for me! I have 23 years of memories that include you.

Ummm...how about that time we wore costumes to disneyland to get in for free, along with the 80 million other people who were trying to also, and we got in!

Or how about when I was 5 years old and you took me to get my ears pierced? They said,"show your mommy." Angie still thinks it was her, but it was you.

Hmmm, or maybe those times that you would dance all crazy in the hallway when Allison and I were suppose to be going to bed, but you kept making us laugh!

Or how about you always being a wonderful big sister, and always being there when I need you! Love you lots!

Carol said...

April...heck ya I thought you were crazy! Crazy FUN! You're just a fun mom who throws great parties for your kids. I can barely handle the birthday parties, let alone anything extra. That Halloween party was fun and my kids had a blast.

You have one of the sweetest dispositions of anyone I know. I'm so glad you are happy.

Jason & Claire said...

I remember when you sent me a note inviting me to one of your luncheons and it just said that you wanted to get to know me better. I thought it was so sweet and also something I would never have the nerve to do. I thought it was so NICE. You are just plain NICE and I think you're absolutely fabulous.

lisa said...

I remember when you were prego with Alaina and you were dialated to a 4 for weeks, and I was thinking "that baby is just going to fall out!" You were very cute prego. I also remember hanging out at your house a few times with Dara, maybe a luncheon or something. I thought you were so funny and so nice to have me over!!

Dave & Colleen Wilburn said...

Oh April...what does a mom say, I have so many memories from the moment I had you inside me growing. I will just leave it at...I have only wonderful memories of all the growing up that it took for you to become the most beautiful daughter. You still make me laugh and you always make me proud to say "that's my daughter".
We still talk about the way you have always loved food and the way you ate when you were young; you know!Love you always, mom

Alida B. said...

I have always thought you are so cute!! You always have the cutest clothes, the cutest shoes, and of course the cutest kids. I was so excited for you when you went to the temple. It was the first time I had ever been to the temple all alone but I was so happy to be there to support you. Being able to be there strengthened me so much and through you I remembered the way I felt the first time and I knew (all over again) that the work was true!! Thanks! :)

