About Me

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Would of been 16 today

My Grandma had never seen a baby be born. So, I told my Grandma she could sit in the delivery room and watch Aubreana be born. I was so worried about my Grandma that I would often ask the Dr. How is my Grandma doing? Good thing I was worried about her because I didn't realize I was having a 9 pd. 12 oz. baby. My Grandma is the most Christlike person and I will forever keep trying to be like her.
My Dad and my sisters brought Anthony to see his new baby sister. Little did we know these would be the last pictures we would take of him alive. The green clothes is because it was St. patricks day.
Anthony held his new sister and said she is to big! We took pictures, he went to the potty and made bubbles. 2 1/2 year olds do that! He said look Grandma I made bubbles. So, I could see his eyes were glossy and he looked like he may have a cold coming on. So, I asked my Dad to take him home so Aubreana would not get sick. I also gave my Mom his Ins. card in case he needed to go to his Dr. Then I said my good bye's and they left. My Mom went with them to walk them out. Amber stayed with me and we talked and I ate! Well, we thought my Mom was taking a long time. She was gone forever it seemed like. Then she came in with my Dr. and ?? and was Frantic and she said Anthony and I just knew he got ran over! No, he didn't but something happened to him and they didn't know what. My Mom walked them to the door and said good bye. My Dad was holding him(So sorry Dad) and Anthony threw up and my Dad turned back towards the hospital to ask my Mom what he should do? The nurse told him run to E.R. He rushed him to E.R. It did take them a while to get him breathing again. He was on the machines. My 2 little sisters stayed with the nurse and they sent my Mom down to E.R. before she made it back to my room. I think this is how it went. I wasn't there. So, back to me. They get me in a wheel chair and rush me over there and take me in a small room and say we don't know whats wrong with him but we will do everything we can, Worse case he will have a blood transfussion. So, I go in ICU in his room and see my son with so many tubes everywhere and I say please get me out of here. I get wheeled out and I had to get a hold of myself. It was a bit overwhelming and I was shocked at what I saw! I go back in and I put my finger on his hand and he squezed my finger. I wanted to kiss his face but was scared I would move or bump a wire out! So, I just whispered in his ear I love you big boy! My Mom stayed all night with him and sang The Lion King songs and other songs to him. She said he would wiggle his toes. The next morning I was in the shower and I felt this like beam of light go straight up and out of me. And then banging on the door. Get out of the shower. I get out and the nurses say lets go, we gotta go next door now! I was trying to wipe the blood off my leg cuz I did just have a baby and I just get a robe on I think and I am wheeled over to a small room. Mind you I ask all the way there is Anthony ok and nobody answers me. They take me in and say well we did everything we could and now I'm thinking oh they gotta do the blood transfussion, Nope, they said we did everything we could but his heart kept stopping and he passed away this morning. I was SHOCKED and wanted to RUN FAR AWAY! I went in and said my good byes! And just like that he was GONE! He would of been 16 yrs. old today.

He was such a handsome little guy!

I will always hold him in my heart. I love him and MISS him.
Anthony David Wilburn Aug. 27,1992-March 18,1995.
Mommy's Big Helper, Now God's Little helper.
We Love you Big Boy

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Love April


Autumn said...

April you are one of the strongest people I know. Anthony was and still is loved by so many. He was the smartest little boy. I remember him putting me on the phone to talk to a dead bug. haha. He would always ask me or Allison to turn on the Lion King for him...his favorite movie! I know he is watching you and saying way to go mom, you are making me so proud! I love you April and will always miss Anthony too. One day you will be together with him again. <3,Autumn

CaraDee said...

April I don't think Ange ever told me about Anthony...What a terrible thing to go through for you!
I'm so sorry, and am glad that he was given such a wonderful Mommy during his short time here.
Heaven knows how lucky we are to have the gospel and the peace it brings.

Kirsten said...

Oh April. What an amazing story. I knew a little, but thank you for sharing all the details. He is a cutie, and you are an amazing strong woman. Love you!

Alida B. said...

Wow! That just made cry! I always sort of knew about Anthony but I really never knew the story. Thank you so much for sharing...I can't imagine the pain ever really goes away. You are such a wonderful beautiful person. Love ya!

Dave & Colleen Wilburn said...

April, I am so proud of you and of our perfect grandson, Anthony...he taught me so much. I cherish the 2 and 1/2 years we got to have with him. He was just to perfect to stay here.Remember that you will have him again... love you, mom

lisa said...

April, I never knew! I am so sorry! I cried from beginning to end reading that. What a terrible thing to go through! I can't even imagine. You are so strong!

Miss KatieBug said...

Thank you for looking at my blog, April. You are so sweet. I am so sorry about your son.

Heather said...

That has to be pain of the worst kind. I am kind of in shock after reading the details. What an amazing, strong person you are.

You have a beautiful boy waiting for you in heaven.

Ang said...

Oh April, reading that made me feel like it was just yesterday. Anthony was the cutest, smartest, funniest 2 1/2 year old ever. I miss him too. I cannot even imagine what you are going through when my heart is still so broken. I never thanked you for bringing him to see me a month before he died. You were 8 months pregnant and I did not think you would make the trip to meet us in Vegas, but I will always be so grateful that you did. I love you April - you are an amazing mother - and sister.

Linde said...

I just got my make-up on and now I need to do it again. I cried through it all and I still am. Thank you for sharing. You are so amazing and he is so lucky to have you as him mom. We are so lucky to have the gospel in our lives. I still can't imagine and I can't imagine that the pain ever leaves you. Love you April!

Geneva said...

Wow April Aubrey has told me the story, but I loved hearing it in your words. I'm so glad were friends I really look up to you and your example of service to so many others.

Dara & the Boys said...

April, I'm so proud of you for sharing Anthony's story and I bet he is too. 16.... He is a very special boy. Aren't you glad you have taken the right steps to be with him again one day? I hope you know how very much I love you and your family. Thanks for your wonderful example and being one of my dearest friends. I'm so greatful you and your children are in our lives.

Jason & Claire said...

What an amazing person you are. I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you must feel. What a precious son you have. I have heard little bits of this but never knew the whole story. I cried the whole time I read this. I'm sure he is proud of the wonderful person you are and the fact that you will be together again because of the way you live your life. We are so blessed to have the gospel. Love you- Claire

Jason & Claire said...

Also, about you wanting to be like your Christ-like grandma, I think you are doing a pretty good job. I am always amazed at what a loving person you are to everyone around you. You are truly an example to others.

Carol said...

oh April...i'm so sorry. i had no idea. i can't imagine rejoicing over the birth of one and losing another at the same time. no wonder you are the amazing, sweet person that you are, you have a direct link to heaven. I hope you continue to feel the spirit of your sweet little boy.

Jana said...

Thank you for sharing such an intimate pearl with all of us. My youngest son shares a b'day with Anthony. He just turned 17. Thanks for posting on my blog, it got me curious...and made my day. I love you!

Elder Hinrichsen said...

Thank you for sharing such a personal story. I cried the entire time I read it! I'm still crying. What a beautiful boy!!! What a hard thing to go through. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation!!!! You ARE an amazing person. I love who you are! ONly my niece ended up going to the school. Her name is Megan. I'm glad your kids love the school!!!

Jennifer B said...

That is so sad. I had no idea. How terrible for you. You are such a sweet person. Hopefully we can get to know each other better in the future. =)

jenorme said...

What a handsome little man! Of course, I am in tears reading this entry. It strengthens my testimony of the gospel reading this because I know that the Savior is the only one that could help someone shoulder pain like this. You are amazing, April. Your kids are beautiful and blessed to have you as their mother.

jenorme said...

What a handsome little man! Of course, I am in tears reading this entry. It strengthens my testimony of the gospel reading this because I know that the Savior is the only one that could help someone shoulder pain like this. You are amazing, April. Your kids are beautiful and blessed to have you as their mother.

Lenny and Amanda said...

April- Thank you for sharing. You are one amazingly strong woman!!

Brandy said...

April, my heart just aches for you. I was aware that you had lost a sweet child but hearing your story and learning the circumstances makes it so much more real. You are such an amazingly strong person (and so cute too!) I am learning to appreciate and admire you more and more all the time.

